Beyond Theory Learning Pvt Limited is an ed-tech startup to help students in the professional education space to make their learning enjoyable and easy. We help them visualize concepts with the help of technology and connect the concepts to real-world contexts. In the Indian ed-tech space, there are unicorns in the K1-12 segment and also in the space of professional certification. But there is void in the professional education space, which Beyond Theory is trying to fill. The Founders are a team of four engineers from premium engineering institutes who have also had loads of experience in the education sector and ed-tech in the past. Beyond theory in the process of helping students learn better is also empowering students to have an entrepreneur mindset and be self-sufficient during their college days through its earn while you learn to programme. The company is in a mission to disrupt the professional education space in India by creating professionals who love what they learn and also are technically very strong.
The content is mapped to specific engineering universities in India. The Research and development team at beyond theory has developed the app and has used the state-of-the-art teaching methods for delivering lectures. We help the students with two modes of preparation – Deep dive and Quick prep, in order to learn at their convenience .We aim to be the one-stop destination for all engineering students.